

Josh Faris

Josh Faris: a 44-year-old individual whose life is a vibrant tapestry woven with a love for almost any sport or game, an affinity for constructing intricate Lego masterpieces,  and an unbridled enthusiasm for live concerts. Josh's journey through the years has been marked by his dedication to family, his Christian faith, and the joyous chaos that comes with being the proud owner of the "best dogs in the world."  
In the mosaic of Josh's life, each piece contributes to a narrative that reflects a person who embraces the full spectrum of human experiences – from the thrill of a sport match to the serenity of Lego building, from the exhilaration of a live concert to the enduring love and commitment of family. Josh is a man who finds joy in the everyday and understands that the richness of life lies in the harmonious blend of passions, relationships, and the simple joys that make each day uniquely his own.  Come laugh with us . . it's contagious!

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Sharon Kelley

Meet Sharon Kelley, a remarkable individual who serves as  a dedicated and compassionate principal, Sarah has devoted her career to fostering an environment of learning, growth, and inclusivity within her school.

As an advocate for education, a Wonder Woman enthusiast, a fake plant aficionado, and, above all, an incredible mother, Sharon embodies the essence of a modern-day superhero. Her life's story is one of resilience, inspiration, and the art of cultivating joy in both the professional and personal spheres.